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Charity and Donations

Wrist receives a lot of applications from groups and individuals, who request support for various charities and projects with a good purpose. Unfortunately, we cannot oblige with all of these requests and we have decided to focus on projects that have a positive impact on the Seafarers’ lives. Further, we do sponsorships locally in the cities where our branches are situated. These will be prioritized by the branch manager in place.

Find the branch manager closest to you here.

We support the seafarers:

 ISWAN (International Seafarers’ Welfare Assistance Network)

 ISWAN Welfare Center of the Year Award

 Seamen Aalborg

 Seafarer Missions

For further details, please go to our Seafarers' welfare section


Maritime Classic

We are proud to sponsor a non-profit charity raising scholarship money for cadets at the Maritime Academies across the country in the US.

The Maritime Classic have bi-annual golf tournaments bringing together business owners, executives, corporate managers, and more in the maritime industry to network and raise money for the current cadets at the academy.

All proceeds will go to a scholarship fund for the students.


Vancouver Food Runners

We are proud to partner with Vancouver Food Runners, who work with businesses, volunteer food drivers and nonprofit organizations to bring surplus food directly to those experiencing food insecurity in Vancouver B.C.

On a global scale, food waste generates 8% of our total greenhouse gas emissions annually - and in Vancouver B.C., over 40% of food is wasted, while 1 in 9 households are food insecure. Therefore, we are committed to donating our surplus food to VFR to help those in need and support the environment.